5 fun facts about octopuses Octopuses have a parrot-like beak, which is the only hard part of their body. The plural of octopus is "octopuses" or "octopi," according to Merriam-Webster.Some people ...
Male blue-lined octopuses inject a powerful neurotoxin into the hearts of females before mating to avoid being eaten, ...
An curved arrow pointing right. With their eight arms and giant egg-shaped head, octopuses are one of the most alien-looking creatures on the planet. We read Katherine Courage's book "Octopus!" ...
Octopuses have a large nervous system, with the average octopus having about 500 million neurons or brain cells. That puts it in the same “brain range” as smaller mammals such as dogs. Unlike ...
The dozen or so species that make up Grimpoteuthis are called Dumbo octopuses because of the two large fins—one on either side of the mantle—that protrude like ears. Add in the octopus’s ...
More than just aquarium must-sees, octopuses are known for being highly intelligent creatures and, at times, even friends to humans. These connections are the subjects of the popular 2020 ...
Blanket octopus pairs are some of the undersea world’s oddest couples. What’s so startling is the size difference: Males are about the size of a walnut—less than an inch long—but some ...
Octopuses have been part of Earth's ecosystem since the Late Jurassic period, around 140 million years ago. Today, they inhabit from coral reefs to ocean depths. Octopuses have a high metabolic ...
The male octopus of this species precisely injects a dose of its deadly tetrodotoxin venom into the females to immobilise them during copulation, say researchers at the University of Queensland.
Have you ever heard of the Dumbo Octopus? This fascinating creature may not be as well-known as its more famous octopus relatives, but it has some incredible abilities. Named after the Disney ...
Octopuses have blue blood, three hearts and a doughnut-shaped brain. But these aren’t even the most unusual things about them! Known for their otherworldly look and remarkable intelligence, octopuses ...