In "Apple Cider Vinegar," Milla visits the Hirsch Institute, inspired by Max Gerson's pseudoscientific cancer treatment.
Occupational studies stretching back decades have found an increased risk of bladder cancer among hairdressers.
"Was their exposure part of it, or not?" Experts are concerned by the rising trend of a type of cancer in younger people: 'We ...
The American Cancer Society's chief scientific officer outlines the group's research agenda, including a new project in ...
Last week, the NIH abruptly changed its funding rules for scientific research, prompting chaos and uncertainty for scientific researchers everywhere, including in cancer research clinical trials.
“The more fiber you eat—the more fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains—the more diverse your microbiome is,” she said.
Despite guidelines addressing overdetection, no significant declines are seen; emphasis on active surveillance approaches is ...
Oncologist Dr. Sarah Cate told Newsweek: "Many women simply don't make time for themselves, since they are working and often ...
Netflix points out that the story is “true-ish,” which is raising a lot of questions about what’s real and what’s made for TV ...
The federally funded program aims to improve cancer care for rural and frontier residents in the Mountain West, bringing the ...
The total funding amount awarded to Moffitt last year, $44.7 million, was once again the highest in Florida and nearly double ...