The Nintendo 64 has an excellent library of exclusives whether it's the legendary 007 Goldeneye, Ogre Battle 64, or arguably the greatest library of wrestling games from AKI like WCW/NWO Revenge and ...
Xbox 360 emulation has stagnated, but a new tool enables native ports with huge enhancements to graphics and compatibility.
Now, the next frontier of high-end N64 gameplay may be through recompiled PC ports instead of emulation ... leveraged by N64Recomp and some N64 emulators, highlights this. Even as we speak ...
Recompiled project, XenonRecomp does something similar, except for the PowerPC-equipped Microsoft Xbox 360 game console. Based around the triple-core IBM CPU codenamed ...
After 17 years, Sonic Unleashed finally has a native PC port, and it's been developed with a tool that could potentially help give the same treatment to any Xbox 360 game. With that, the door to one ...