It would be bigger than Britain's current biggest Muslim cemetery ... to appease the concerns of residents. 'The proposed cemetery design and development, along with the necessary reports have ...
Anjuman-e-Burhani has applied to the township Zoning Board of Adjustment for preliminary and final major site plan approval ...
Plans have also been submitted for Peterborough's first Muslim cemetery. The Green Meadows Cemetery project will have about 8,500 burial spaces and include a community-use building in Sutton ...
It would be bigger than Britain's current biggest Muslim cemetery ... to appease the concerns of residents. 'The proposed cemetery design and development, along with the necessary reports have ...
Yet, Edinburgh’s Muslim community faces a dire situation – only 80 plots remain at Ratho Cemetery and 200 in Midlothian, while the future of new burial grounds, such as Craigmillar Castle Park ...