Can you spot the moose in Douglas Scott’s image? (Hint, it’s not the distant object atop the ridge; that’s a radio/cell tower.) Can you spot the moose? Scott, who guides in Grand Teton and ...
Each year the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR) conducts an aerial survey of the Northeast area of the state ...
The moose has a long history in northern Michigan ... a lot of their habitat was destroyed and you know, we know that the landscape is drastically different than it was a hundred to even 200 ...
The decision to postpone the project was difficult and made out of an abundance of caution for the health and well-being of ...
Moose are fundamentally rare. They don’t exist in large herds like mule deer and are sparser on the landscape than animals like cottontail rabbits,” Christianson said during volunteer training that ...
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has proposed issuing 180 moose hunting permits in Vermont’s Wildlife Management Unit ...
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has proposed issuing 180 moose hunting permits in Vermont’s Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) E in the northeastern corner of the state in ...