"These relics are effectively fossils of the planet formation process, holding vital clues to deciphering the history of our solar system." ...
Donaldjohanson, a main belt asteroid, could be a relic of a cosmic collision that took place 150 million years ago.
New Southwest Research Institute-led modeling indicates the main belt asteroid (52246) Donaldjohanson may have formed about ...
Donaldjohanson formed about 150 million years ago when a much larger asteroid broke apart. Since then, its orbit and spin ...
Learn more about how Paranthropus robustus lived 2 million years ago, an evolutionary cousin to humans.
"It's rarely the case that fossil bones record evidence of how the individual died," he said in a phone interview. An illustration depicts the hypothesis of Lucy's fatal fall from a tree.
New Southwest Research Institute-led modeling indicates the main belt asteroid (52246) Donaldjohanson may have formed about 150 million years ago when a larger parent asteroid broke apart; its orbit ...
The following year Johanson's team discovered another fossil that is still a landmark in the story of human origins. "Lucy" -- named for the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," which was ...
That skeleton was named "Lucy." The spacecraft named after that ancient hominid is also exploring fossils, in the sense that asteroids are leftovers from the dawn of the solar system and can tell ...
Previously, scientists thought the Homo genus didn't split off from the more primitive Australopithecus species - which the famous "Lucy" fossil belongs to - until about 2.3 million years ago.