The mantle of the Earth, up to 1,800 miles (2,900 kms) thick and 84% of the Earth's volume, was assumed to be a simple ...
According to current scientific theories, the anomalous material in the lower mantle, about 600 miles (1,000km) beneath the water, 'should not be found' there. Described as a 'major mystery', the ...
In the uppermost lower mantle, seismic anisotropy is ubiquitous near subducting slabs, where shear waves with horizontal ...
when geologists found that seismic waves were travelling much slower through two regions in the lower mantle than expected. Scientists believe that the LLVPs are made up of accumulated oceanic ...
Indian scientists have uncovered the possible cause behind the Indian Ocean Geoid Low (IOGL), the lowest geoid anomaly on ...
Crystal structures of major mineral phases composing the Earth's deep mantle, (Mg,Fe)SiO3 bridgmanite (Brg), its high-pressure phase post-perovskite (PPv), CaSiO3 perovskite, and (Mg,Fe ...
"Our new results suggest that for most of Earth's history, convection in the mantle was stratified into two distinct layers, namely upper and lower mantle regions that were isolated from each ...
Drewitt, J. W. E., Walter, M. J., Zhang, H., McMahon, S. C., Edwards, D., Heinen, B. J., Lord, O. T., Anzellini, S., & Kleppe, A. K. (2019). The fate of carbonate in ...
Here different colors trace different components of Gaia and Theia. The lower mantle of Gaia, denoted by the dashed circle with a radius of 0.8 Earth radii (RE), is only marginally contaminated by ...