Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Landlords in Los Angeles and Orange counties have jacked up rents at more than twice the national rate since the wildfires.
Wildfires that destroyed two neighborhoods made the state’s housing shortage even worse. Now, opposition is growing to ...
Jamison Services secured a $50 million loan from Affinius Capital to refinance The Roya, a 157-unit apartment complex in Los ...
Tens of thousands of people in Los Angeles lost their homes to the devastating fires that raged in early January. The Eaton ...
Jamison Services has secured $50 million to refinance The Roya, a 157-unit multifamily complex in Los Angeles’ Koreatown ...
For a lover of historical fiction and classic literature, Catie Brown creates a cottagecore aesthetic that brings warmth and ...
Jamison Properties' ground-up Roya Apartments in Koreatown has been refinanced with a $50M loan from Affinius Capital. The 157-unit project at 760 S. Serrano Ave. opened in 2023, replacing a surface ...