Silent Games and Secret Mode have announced that their acrobatic, pensive action-RPG Empyreal will launch on 8th May, ...
Diablo 4 has another event on the horizon, but with some (permanent) inclusions to the title that may look a little familiar. Yes, the March of the Goblins ...
Satisfy all your inner loot goblin needs directly from your web browser! Advertisement Get ready for an unforgiving adventure in this addictive 2D rogue-lite shooter right in your browser!
You’ve got plenty of time to finish the March of the Goblins event in Diablo 4, but this guy did it in just an hour.
I can't believe I'm about to complain about treasure goblins in Diablo 4. Why would anyone mind them? They are loot on legs: twisted little demons who spew fountains of treasure if you catch them ...
Right now, goblins in D4 are just loot piñatas that scatter some goodies and disappear. But imagine if they could also open a portal to a loot-filled dungeon. That would elevate this event from “fun” ...
The bug causes treasure or loot goblins to bug out and not leave loot behind or split into two or more goblins, as they are supposed to. The bug first appeared in Diablo 3, where when you killed ...
Unlike last year's March of the Goblins, this year's event will sport its own reward track with additional rewards that players will progress as they cut down the loot-nabbing tricksters.