Six thousand gallons of milk spilled on I-695 and into a nearby creek after a tractor-trailer overturned early Saturday.
A tractor trailer carrying 6,000 gallons of milk took a tumble on Interstate 695 near Exit 24 early Saturday morning, turning ...
The woman facing manslaughter charges in a Baltimore Beltway crash that killed six road workers nearly two years ago may not ...
A Maryland State Trooper had to be rushed to the hospital after being struck by a suspected impaired driver who cut across ...
The Maryland State Highway Administration announced the projects that are scheduled to start March 3 and will last through the month, weather permitting. The first will be on Interstate-695 as ...
A 63-year-old woman has been arrested for suspected impaired driving after crashing into a Maryland State Trooper’s vehicle ...
A Towson woman faces DUI charges after allegedly striking a Maryland State Police cruiser on I-695 Friday night.
A Maryland woman who was accused of crashing into and killing six construction workers on I-695 will have her trial postponed ...
MARYLAND — The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration announced Thursday that the Interstate 695 interchange ramps will temporarily close overnight for a few weeks ...
Maryland State Police increase patrols for St. Patrick's Day, focusing on preventing aggressive, distracted, and impaired ...