MONDAY, March 10, 2025 (HealthDay News) -- In a study published online March 10 in Cancer, authors identified gliomas with ...
Firefighters show higher rates of glioma-linked SBS42 mutational signatures associated with haloalkane exposure, suggesting ...
Firefighters might face a higher risk of brain cancers caused by exposure to chemicals in fire extinguishers, a new small-scale study says.
A new study has found that firefighters may be more likely to develop specific gene mutations linked to gliomas, the most ...
Gene mutations caused by exposure to certain chemical compounds have been linked to the development of gliomas, the most ...
Firefighters with increased exposure to certain chemical compounds are more likely to develop gliomas -- the most common type ...
Compared with the other 18 participants, firefighters were more likely to have the haloalkane-associated mutational signature, especially if they had been firefighters for many years. Among ...
Previous studies have highlighted a mutational pattern, or “signature” in gliomas linked to haloalkane exposure, researchers said. “In these data, we confirm detection of this signature in a ...