This past week, one of my future housemates gave me a challenge for this column. She texted me (ignoring the very important ...
Qawasmy said that after the group had shot at a flock of geese he noticed a goose flying around the left side of the blind toward the rear. He shouted “rear” and shot at the bird from his ...
With the majority of the geese flying south in the fall, down through the central part of the United States, and back north in late winter, the federal officials who monitor such things decided a ...
The simple beauty of a Canada goose flying at Busse Woods. Jeff Getz Share Notes come from around Chicago outdoors and beyond. WILD OF THE WEEK I sometimes think we get so annoyed with the ...
Look for geese in fields and in the air. If you see a flock flying low, headed for a field, follow them to the feed. If you find a promising feed, you’ll likely have to get permission from the ...
Check out a map of the snow geese migration Huge flocks were feeding in fields and flying overhead through the day and night. Even at 9 p.m., when all was dark, the tell-tale barking of flocks ...
Because as each goose flaps its wings, it creates an updraft for the following bird. Working together, the flock increases its flying range by 71 percent over a goose flying solo,” Wood said ...