Castlevania: Circle of the Moon was an amazing launch title for the GBA that should have remained in the official timeline.
Christopher Belmont led the Castlevania series onto Nintendo's handheld system to some truly impressive results.
The Game Boy Advance was an incredible handheld system and produced some of the best stories one could find on a portable ...
[Zekfoo] decided to honor the Game Boy Advance’s 20th birthday by redesigning it at the circuit level to give it a more modern twist. To quote the project readme: I really want to like the Game ...
Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance brought something of a renaissance to the Japanese strategy market, as it was a handheld that housed several established JRPGs and inspired a litany of new strategy IPs.
Developer WayForward and their partner Limited Run Games have opened pre-orders for Sigma Star Saga DX. Players can now buy ...
The Game Boy Advance is becoming a popular platform for these sorts of independent game development, and this video shows exactly how you can get started too. This tutorial starts with some ...
Publisher Limited Run Games and developer WayForward have opened pre-orders for the Game Boy Advance physical edition of Sigma Star Saga DX, a refined version of the 2005-released shoot ’em up ...
Lucky gamers might have held onto their old Game Boy Advance, but for most, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection will be a convenient way to revisit the classics without shelling out for a retro ...