"We are able to measure the local dark matter density using direct acceleration measurements for the first time." ...
A strange energy source at the center of the Milky Way may be a new type of dark matter. Scientists found that hydrogen gas ...
Using cutting-edge 3D galaxy maps and an innovative approach called field-level inference (FLI), researchers are uncovering the intricate patterns of dark matter that govern the formation and ...
Scientists suspect lightweight dark matter might ionize hydrogen in the Milky Way’s core. This could also explain the 511-keV ...
Recent research proposes a new form of dark matter that may actually be lighter in mass than other dark matter candidates.
Scientists used infrared spectrographs to detect dark matter decay. No signals appeared, but anomalies suggest more ...
Using the powerful Japanese Subaru telescope, an international team of researchers created and analyzed the deepest wide field map of the three-dimensional distribution of matter in the universe.
According to a study published in Physical Review Letters, a research team led by Shyam Balaji, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at King's College London, suggests that dark matter with a mass lower than ...
The rest of the universe appears to be made of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter (25 percent) and a force that repels gravity known as dark energy (70 percent). Scientists have ...
But if these static periods do exist, they could solve all manner of conundrums, including what dark matter is made of. Even more exciting, these ideas may soon be testable.… Receive a weekly ...