The solar-powered collars are controlled via an app. Cows are alerted by an audible tone when they approach the boundary, or ...
People heading out to enjoy the Hidden Falls Regional Park in Placer County may have to share the trails with some rather ...
At this time of year, the question often arises as to what percentage of crude protein should be in the dairy nuts you are ...
As St. Patrick's day approaches, grazing conditions seem to be favouring most farmers as dry, sunny spells improve grass ...
Cows are now being used to cut back on grass and reduce fire risk in Northern California. Placer County has introduced cows ...
Gary Tiller, director or commercial operations with Vence, which is a U.S.-based company owned by Merck Animal Health, says ...
The Brown ranch has adapted cattle grazing techniques to help preserve the soil and grasses on the land, a commitment the ...
Placer County has introduced cattle at Hidden Falls Park to help reduce wildfire risks and maintain the ecosystem.
A state loophole is costing Sarasota and Manatee counties millions in lost revenue by allowing developers to tap a ...