An ex-Amish reality TV star may have left the community ... The recipe’s ingredients overlap a bit with Australian alternative health care advocate Barbara O’Neill’s viral “flu bomb ...
FDA-approved drugs are also often patented and subject to various laws regarding exclusivity for a given manufacturer. At the ...
Do the Amish believe in using modern medicine? What happens when they get sick, give birth, or need emergency treatment? Once again diversity rules. Without formal church regulations on health ...
Many other North American Amish and Mennonites trace their roots ... Partly, he said, that’s because they don’t engage as regularly with health care systems as more assimilated groups do.
A New York State law requiring school immunizations does not violate the constitutional rights of Amish parents or their ...
Other Anabaptist branches today include the Amish, Brethren and Hutterites ... including public health officials. Mennonites, named for an early leader, Menno Simons, vary widely in practice ...
Medical researchers in Chicago are studying the difference between a person’s chronological age and their biological age.
If we can slow down aging, just a little bit, we can push back the onset of disease, and we can give people a longer health span." The foundation of Vaughan's research came from a small Amish ...