“I got my own Amish dress!” she shouts with delight, pulling a long, floral dress with capped sleeves out of the packaging. Smash cut to: The girl sitting fully outfitted in Amish regalia, including ...
These stores are Amish in name only—no bonnets, suspenders, or buggies in sight. With the exception of a few nominal Amish touches at the downtown branch—baskets hanging from the eaves and a ...
The couple had stumbled into a thrift store and, amid the trinkets and wool sweaters, McCallum, 24, found a shelf of books with covers depicting young women wearing bonnets. They were all Amish ...
Author and interviewee Saloma Furlong, who started a small baking business in her early 20s, publishes the recipe — and others — on her website (and in her book, Bonnet Strongs: An Amish ...
C, E at 50th St.; 1 at 50th St.; N, Q, R at 49th St. These stores are Amish in name only—no bonnets, suspenders, or buggies in sight. With the exception of a few nominal Amish touches at the ...