“I got my own Amish dress!” she shouts with delight, pulling a long, floral dress with capped sleeves out of the packaging. Smash cut to: The girl sitting fully outfitted in Amish regalia, including ...
Exploring Amish Country explains that “Amish shunning ... the influencer said that girls in her community started covering ...
These stores are Amish in name only—no bonnets, suspenders, or buggies in sight. With the exception of a few nominal Amish touches at the downtown branch—baskets hanging from the eaves and a ...
The couple had stumbled into a thrift store and, amid the trinkets and wool sweaters, McCallum, 24, found a shelf of books with covers depicting young women wearing bonnets. They were all Amish ...
Author and interviewee Saloma Furlong, who started a small baking business in her early 20s, publishes the recipe — and others — on her website (and in her book, Bonnet Strongs: An Amish ...
4, 5, 6, 7, S at Grand Central-42nd St. These stores are Amish in name only—no bonnets, suspenders, or buggies in sight. With the exception of a few nominal Amish ...