The 2D fighter is one of gaming’s longest standing pillars. These are some of the most fine tuned and overall great 2D Fighting Games.
The innovative gameplay, simple and balanced driving system and satisfyingly fun combat mechanics of the game deliver the thrill and adrenaline rush of old school combat-racing. There is plenty of ...
Looking for how to get free accounts and keys for Street Fighter IV on Steam? We'll tell you how to do it easily and quickly!
Once Them's Fightin' Herds, the current free game on the Epic Games Store , has run its course, it will be up to it will be up to Mortal Shell and World of Warships - Anniversary Party Favor, which ...
Blade Strangers is a 2D fighting game pitting heroes from various licenses against each other. Just like Super Smash Bros. or Multiversus, the goal of Blade Strangers is to beat another character ...
Ratalaika Games and 9Ratones are bringing gritty action and intense combat to consoles with Material Evidence on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch.
The Terminator is back! This time we will be the ones to decide how the fate of the world will turn out.
Playing a 2D fighting game against a tricky opponent can feel like partaking in an intense game of chess. To ensure they don't get outplayed by the opponent, players always need to ensure that they ...